I haven't been able to post in a while due to my focus being intently on finalising my first draft submission! I was very tentative in sending it to Adesola, mainly because I have the usual self doubt demons running on autopilot, convincing me that I've done the work all wrong. In moments of self observation, I then have the ability to question my assumptions and affirm to myself one of the first concepts I noted at the start of the year. There is no end goal, no right or wrong. Questions lead to more questions and that is the nature of this study course.
Mindmap of Lens 3: Networks, Community and Connectivism.
In reflection, I can see that my standard approach to fulfilling a task such as an essay submission is to isolate myself, get my head down and work. I sometimes struggle to shift focus between different tasks, and in the process of writing I perceived any straying from my assessment as a 'distraction'. How ironic when writing about the importance of networks, affiliation and interactivity I was in fact contradicting this notion all together and NOT communicating. The BAPP community of practice is an example of “a group who share a common interest” where “the desire to learn from and contribute to the community with their variety of experiences” (Lave & Wenger, 1991) substantiates the generation of knowledge. There is no doubt that learning through interaction is of benefit. In fact, Siemans states “We can no longer seek to posses all needed knowledge personally. We must store it in our friends or within technology” (2006, p 51). I know that I have learnt a lot from reading the blogs of my fellow peers, especially when I am able to comment which sparks subsequent discussion. Equally the Skype discussions create innovative ideas from alternative perspectives which encourages me to embrace the diversity of input.
So if I can opening acknowledge the advantages of networking within a community, where does my resistance come from?
One factor could be my natural predisposition to introversion. Over the years I have found this to be quite a contrast to many musical theatre performers within my networks who seem to be closer to extrovert qualities. Extroverts typically gain energy from interactions, whilst introverts feel the opposite and need individual time to revitalise after social encounters. In everyday life, being an introvert may cause few recognisable consequences, but there may be implications within a professional network, especially in a profession such as the arts which is sadly a lot about 'who you know'.
However, there is certainly a difference in willingness to participate within different networks. For example, whilst I may be tentative about contribution to a wide network of ISTD Teachers due to my perception of inadequacy, I would be more inclined to engage in a close knit team of staff at a dance school who are putting together a show. Especially if I felt inspired with creative ideas I wanted to share, and particularly if I knew that these ideas may be received without judgement. The slight change in perspective from 'networking' to 'collaborating' offers a voluntary approach which feels less suppressing than the need to network for ones own advances. Hargreaves and Dawe describe collaboration as “evolutionary relationships of openness, trust and support among teachers where they define and develop their own purposes as a community”. (1990). On the surface this sounds harmonious, but in reality human relationships consist of clashing personalities and agendas which complicate matters.
This leads me on to 'game theory' which relates to the notion of corporation, conflict and returns. In game theory, “any actions taken by the user may affect the performance of others in the same network segment”. (Lin et al, 2018). In other words, all the nodes in a network hold an element of responsibility towards the meanings and relationships within that group, where responses depend on actions encountered.
This made me consider the potential problems which arise within a professional network. Of course there is the factor of introvert vs extrovert and the existence of lurkers online who tend to browse from a distance with limited contribution. This could be due to confidence issues as already mentioned or there may be a deeper ulterior motive which perhaps is particularly apparent in the showbiz industry which is a highly competitive field. My experience of the game when I was in the audition circuit, was that values were frequently cast aside and performers would do whatever they could to get ahead, like some sort of 'survival of the fittest'. That doesn't necessarily mean that all performers are vehemently bad people with no moral obligations, it's just the way the industry is via years of construction. Therefore, it feels counterintuitive to openly corporate with members of a network who could potentially be competition.
An example of this I can relate to is during my DDE ISTD teaching course. All candidates attended weekly sessions where we'd often be put on the spot to talk about innovative teaching methods we had conjured up. By vocalising an idea which one has piloted, you then have revealed something which other candidates could use to their advantage in their own exam. This could then lessen the innovation, the pride of having invented something which then becomes common knowledge. Conversely, this 'good idea' could be shared amongst the teaching community for the greater good, as surely the goal is to be able to influence good teaching practice for all children to benefit from? But one's desire to 'be better' may override the true intentions. Ultimately, if all contributors adopt this reluctancy to share, the whole group will suffer. As Kollock and Smith state; “ A lurker may withhold information because when they contribute, it benefits everyone in the community except for themselves. When everyone then chooses to withhold information, the collective benefit is no longer produced”. (1996).
Thankfully, when considering the BAPP community of practice, there is hopefully a less dog eat dog approach! It seems that when all parties corporate to their fullest extent, all benefit as a result which is why I am going to make it my intention to be more active in engaging with the online community. In doing so, I hope that the process will become increasingly instinctive so I can not only profit myself, but pass on the skillset of networking to my students. I came across the following video which expands upon the possibility of integrating networking theory into schools, thus providing students with a more active involvement in their own learning. Wouldn't this create more enthusiasm? An authentic and engaging experience? The predictable teaching philosophy in schools is outdated in today's current digital climate and surely embracing the wondrous communicative tools we have available can take the next generation to excelling standards?
Learning Networks Could Reconfigure Schools | Steve Regur | TEDxElCajonSalon
I'd be grateful for any thoughts on the above- especially as this would be conducive towards my communication aims! Lets not lurk, lets connect!
Hargreaves, A., Dawe, R. (1990) 'Paths of professional development: Contrived collegiality, collaborative cultures and the case of peer coaching' , Teaching and teacher education, 6 , (3) , pp. 227-41.
Kollock, P., Smith, M. (1996). Managing the virtual commons. Computer-mediated Communication: Linguistic, Social, and Cross-cultural Perspectives. Pragmatics & Beyond New Series. 39. pp. 109–128. doi:10.1075/pbns.39.10kol
Lave, J., & Wenger, E. (1991). Situated learning: Legitimate peripheral participation. New York: Cambridge University Press.
"Learning networks could reconfigure schools". (2016, May 10). Retrieved November 11, 2019, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpsMDbBrAbQ
Lin, D., Wang, Q., & Yang, P. (2018). The Game Theory: Applications in the Wireless Networks. Game Theory - Applications in Logistics and Economy. doi: 10.5772/intechopen.79508
Siemens, G. (2006). Knowing knowledge. Winnipeg, MB.
What a brilliant post Sophie! I found your discussion of introvert vs extrovert highly interesting, as it plays a part in multiple intelligences in terms of how one learns and connects with people. Personally, I sway to the extrovert side however, I do regularly feel the need for alone time to reflect and indulge in my own thoughts. The BAPP community is wonderful for openly sharing ideas and not withholding information. It is true, in the arts industry there is a trend of being selfish and putting yourself first by keeping valuable information to oneself. Indeed, when I was in the audition circle my own friends didn't tell me which country they were flying out to and even the name of the company. Outrageous! The more willingness we have to communicate the better off society will be. We must try to change the current construction of our industry!
ReplyDeleteHi Sophie, I also loved this post. The introversion you feel in a community that is predominantly full of extroverts is something I can completely relate to also. It can be so frustrating to have such big plans and ideas that threaten to explode from your mind yet still face the barrier preventing the tools needed to contextualise them from being used.
ReplyDeleteLoving your mind map too. Your blog aesthetics and photos of your work really help to get a bit of an idea of who you are and it makes me wonder how easy you find it to blog/ express yourself using Web 2.0 vs face-to-face? Is this something you find easier or difficult?
Anyway, thanks for this post, it was great. Looking forward to seeing more and hope you don't mind me commenting x